Wednesday, March 21, 2012

New idea....

So I've been playing with cases/covers for ipads, etc since we got one for Xmas.  I think I've finally got it down.  This one was made for my friend Claudia for her playbook.  What do you think?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

For a snowy day...

For a snowy day in mid-march its been a pretty good one! Some good news health-wise for mr. Man, productive day at work, yummy smelling supper in the oven and I and my etsy shop have been featured on a lovely blog!  If you have a moment please go visit Sunshine

Another lovely thing is that I've managed to keep my fabric cupboard neat and tidy for four whole days!  This is what it looked like on Saturday after 4 hours of folding.... And today!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Water everywhere!

And not in a good way!  Sorry, no pretty pictures tonight, maybe this weekend!

Here's what I mean by water.....

Yes, that would be my leaky back porch....