Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Blog feature!!!

Very cool - my etsy shop has been featured in a blog post here:
I'm totally flattered to have been asked to participate!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

productive day...sort of!

Well, I said yesterday I'd post some pictures... so here they are.  Not what I was planning but with an new toy to play with I got a little distracted!  I did manage to make a case for it though!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

I've been so lazy this week....

Nothing for WIP Wednesday, only one new item on Etsy, no sales and I spent most of today on the couch surfing the internet..... Well, after about an hour and a half cleaning up snow!

I did get an early B'day present today though - Staples has a sale on blackberry playbooks, 16G for $200. John asked if I'd like one since we spend half our time passing the iPad back and forth.... Of course I said yes! The funny thing is I'm on the iPad now since John is busy playing with the playbook.

I will be back tomorrow with some new things though, I've got about four things halfway finished and I'd like to get at least a couple done. Maybe if I promise to post some pictures I'll actually get off the couch and into the studio.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Well, that's annoying!

Had a post all written and I lost it! Phooey!

Ah well, such is life! Had a good productive day - a few hours at UFO with the guild crowd, and then about two hours running errands for my Etsy shop since I've made a couple of sales I had to restock some supplies and shipping materials. I've been using recycled boxes for now but I'm going to run out soon, maybe I need to buy some more shoes - just for the boxes of course!

Made a quick easy supper - chicken fajitas, relatively healthy and really delicious. Then some more work on new pieces for the shop while we watch tv. On demand tv is awesome, we're watching The Wire finally - we seem to find all the great shows once they're finished. At least we're caught up on Game of Thrones, can't wait for season 2!

No pictures today, I promise there will be something interesting to see next time!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Doing the happy dance!!!

I MADE A SALE ON ETSY!!!!!!! Wheeeee!!!!!

.... insert interpretive happy dance into blank space above *lol*

Sunday, January 15, 2012

and it's posted!

I think this is my new favorite basket... what color should the next one be?

Thursday, January 12, 2012

sneak peek!

almost ready for etsy!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

achoo! sniffle... pout

as you can probably tell from the title of this post - I've got a cold, yech. In the better interests of not spreading it around I stayed home today. So far I've managed to keep up with work email, edit some new photos for Etsy and have 2 short (rather involuntary) naps over my computer. John will be home shortly for lunch with some orange juice and soup for me - isn't he a sweetie?

I had intended for this to be a more interesting post with some work in progress photos of my next bag/basket but the germs have intervened! This will give you a small idea of what I'm up to though!

at least now I can link to WIP Wednesday!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Thanks to my friend Holly for the introduction to The Needle and Thread Network and their W.I.P. Wednesday link up, I can see more time disappearing visiting blogs! Tonight's plan, play radio Bingo and then explore Etsy for some great stuff for a treasury post.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Days of the week are so confusing!!

The holidays have been wonderfully relaxing and enjoyable but of course, must come to an end - so back to work for me today! A good day, busy tidying up some odds and ends and home on time for supper and a relaxing Monday evening with John with a good book or a tv show.... except, well, yesterday was Monday which means it's Tuesday, the first Tuesday of the month, quilt guild night and I missed it!!!! Figuring it out at 9:30pm doesn't help much either!!!!

So I'll do a short show and tell here!

First, a preview of the most recent project for my Etsy shop

Second, a yarn bowl, maybe for Etsy, maybe somewhere else....

and third, a gift for my sister-in-law (yup, I'm really bad at getting things in the mail for Christmas but her birthday is only a month away!)