Saturday, January 28, 2012

I've been so lazy this week....

Nothing for WIP Wednesday, only one new item on Etsy, no sales and I spent most of today on the couch surfing the internet..... Well, after about an hour and a half cleaning up snow!

I did get an early B'day present today though - Staples has a sale on blackberry playbooks, 16G for $200. John asked if I'd like one since we spend half our time passing the iPad back and forth.... Of course I said yes! The funny thing is I'm on the iPad now since John is busy playing with the playbook.

I will be back tomorrow with some new things though, I've got about four things halfway finished and I'd like to get at least a couple done. Maybe if I promise to post some pictures I'll actually get off the couch and into the studio.

1 comment:

  1. Get movin girl.
    I'm still trying to decide which tablet I'm going to buy.
    I'll have to see how you like the blackberry.
