Wednesday, February 8, 2012

WIP Wednesday

Now what?

Actually, I know where I'm going, I'm seeing a coiled bag coming out of this fabric selection.  Only another 30 feet or so of wrapping clothesline to go and then I can start coiling and stitching!  Hopefully I'll have the finished product ready by the end of the weekend and then I can start the new quilted bag I have in my head!  Cross your fingers that it will work.....

Busy couple of days coming up, meeting with my Pathfinder group tomorrow night and then a large amount of housework over the weekend - Mom is coming to visit next week and we're going to our annual quilt retreat on the 17th for two and a half days of stitching, eating, laughing, talking and a bit of sleep.  I can't wait, only 9 more sleeps to go!

And finally, I'm linking to WIP Wednesday!


  1. I'm very intrigued with this coiled bag your making...:)

    1. I'll post some in progress pictures once I start sewing!

  2. I'd love to see the coil finished. I always wonder how anyone knows how much coil to use in making one item?

    1. totally a matter of trial and error at the beginning! once you've made a few things you start to get an idea of how much you'll need - my trick is to measure how much coil i have before I start sewing and then if I need more, measure that too. I'm a bit obsessive so I track the foot length used for most of my projects so I can always go back and compare.

  3. Hi, I'm visiting from Linked in. Love your knitting bowls on Etsy! Stop by my blog if you get a chance. I'm having a giveaway for a pair of heart earrings :)

    1. Thanks for dropping by! I'll be over for a visit!
